majority of the majorityの例文


    もっと例文:   1  2  3  4
  1. But the vast majority of the majority marched in lockstep in support of the creeping coup.
  2. I believe there are some Republicans who want to solve the problem, but not the majority of the majority.
  3. If a majority of THE majority opposes this so-called agreement, it can never be made to work,
  4. Under the doctrine, the Speaker will not allow a floor vote on a bill unless a majority of the majority party supports the bill.
  5. Was this partisan politics on the part of Hastert, his desire for the bill to be supported by a " majority of the majority "?


  1. "majority of judges"の例文
  2. "majority of members present and voting"の例文
  3. "majority of the chinese people"の例文
  4. "majority of the entire membership"の例文
  5. "majority of the fixed membership"の例文
  6. "majority of the populace"の例文
  7. "majority of the students"の例文
  8. "majority of two-thirds"の例文
  9. "majority of votes"の例文
  10. "majority operator"の例文
  11. "majority of the entire membership"の例文
  12. "majority of the fixed membership"の例文
  13. "majority of the populace"の例文
  14. "majority of the students"の例文

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